Image & Career Management

PH7, manages the careers and image rights of its talents on a tailor made basis as a boutique agency. With a strong team, whether it manages the existing businesses of our talents or proactively creates new business opportunities, the agency provides quality in services for its talents to reach their long term career goals effectively.

Financial Consultancy

PH7 provides financial consultancy to its talents in terms of effectively managing their finances, accounts on both local and international level.

InternationalCareer Opportunities

By collaborating with the world’s biggest talent agency CAA, as well as numerous international film production companies, digital networks and other third parties, PH7 provides international career opportunties for its talents who fit the pre-requisites.

ProfessionalTalent Development

Development is the essential part of the agency. PH7 provides guidance for its talents in the areas they need professional growth to further develop in their career and creative goals.

For more info: [email protected]